
Massachusetts Homeless - Indices

State & Local National Shelters News & Media Statistics Credits
House and coffee buttons go to homepage.

Absolute Authority on Homelessness
Categories: Communities, Authorities, Directories, Products, Homelessness and You, Education. Didn't check it yet, but it doesn't look all that friendly for text-only.

CatholicMobile Homelessness
Title and full URL given for each. Categories: [general], homeless newspapers, organizations, local efforts. Brief or no annotations. No specific order.

HomeAid America
HomeAid is still around, but I couldn't find a list of outside links on the site. http://www.HomeAid.org/index1a.html

Idealist's Massachusetts Organizations list
List of links, several Boston organizations.

International HOMELESS Discussion List and Archives Home Page
Far more than the title implies, indexes resources by type (fact sheets, service providers, laws, etc.). Subdivided geographically. Title with little or no annotation.

National Coalition for the Homeless Internet Resources
Categorized by type. Titles mostly in alphabetical order with paragraph annotation.
Text Browser: Go to bottom of page for links to other parts of NCH's site.

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Page Created by Elena O'Malley, elnom@usa.net.
last updated: 16 February 2002